
Welcome to the website of the DFKGT!
The non-profit German Association for Art Therapy, or DFKGT (Deutscher Fachverband für Kunst- und Gestaltungstherapie e. V.), with about 1,000 members constitutes the largest association of art therapists in Germany.

This English site is meant to provide you with introductory information about the DFKGT and to allow you to make contact.

The Association
The association was founded in 1992. It offers individual art therapists as well as educational and training institutions a representation concerning occupational policymaking. The DFKGT fosters networking among colleagues, provides guidance in work-related issues, develops standards for high-quality training, organizes meetings and strives to establish an officially recognized occupational profile.

Are you looking for an exchange about occupational policymaking, or would you like further information on art therapy in Germany? Please contact us!
You can reach the office of the DFKGT by mail.

BAG Creative Therapies
The DFKGT is a member of the Federal Association of Creative Therapies, or BAG KT (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Künstlerische Therapien). German associations of creative therapies formed this coalition to promote the establishment of a political representation in the healthcare system. The following kinds of therapy are represented: art therapy, music therapy, dance therapy, theatre therapy, eurythmy therapy and others. In 2014, the BAG KT commissioned the Analysis of the Occupational Group of Creative Therapists, or Berufsgruppenanalyse Künstlerische Therapeutinnen und Therapeuten (BgA-KT), to compile and evaluate the status quo of this occupational group in the German healthcare system. In 2019, the BAG KT published a description of competences in order to support a future regulation of the profession by the German legislator.

Here you can find further information on the DFKGT and art therapy in Germany. The following links connect to German websites:

- Visit us on facebook!

- You can find information in German on the fields of work and therapeutic forms of art therapy under kunsttherapie.de

- The Federal Association of Creative Therapies, or BAG KT (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Künstlerische Therapien), represents various forms of creative therapy.

- Results of the occupational group analysis:
The Analysis of the Occupational Group of Creative Therapists provides a comprehensive overview of the fields of work and qualifications of creative therapists in Germany.

- The "Scientific Society for Artistic Therapies e.V." (WFKT) was founded on 16.06.2017 in Hamburg as a registered association. It promotes scientific approaches and publications of the artistic therapies such. Music, art-, poetry-, theater-, eurythmy- and dancetherapy.